CSR (Corporate social responsibiliTY)
Donations as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility Investments

At Enzo Jungle Gyms we continously support ECD CENTERS Initiatives, Children's charity activities And Companies that wants to make a difference in the children's life through Corporate Social Responsibility Investments.
Our main goal is to take the hassle of your mind and assist your company in taking further action to make your business more sustainable and strengthening your contribution to local communities.
our pride
"These beautiful jungle gyms were donated to ECD centers"

We are here to assist...
We are here to assist you find different ways to make a Social impact in your communities by making it a Healthier, Safer and a Fun place to live in.
These Beautiful Jungle Gyms were donated to ECD centers – Early Childhood Development Centers in the Townships around Gauteng, South Africa .
Amongst many people that we serve and assist are ECD centers, Home owners, Children’s Homes, Children with disabilities, Estates or Complex, Churches, Shopping centers and many more.
Please contact us on this email address if you would like our company to assist you with giving back to your community.
Email address: yolanda@enzojunglegyms.co.za